Things become easy if you arrange it into industrial production procedure. Publishing a paper can also be treated like a pipeline work procedure.
Non-paper Source
- slide share sharing all public slides
- videolectures a large conference video and ppt collection covering huge spectrum of areas
Paper Searching
- ACL Anthology for ACL top NLP conference paper free download! ❤️
- Connected Papers to find papers that connect with the query paper. The results will be shown in a graph, awesomoe! ❤️
- Semantic Scholar search paper by different filters (fileds of study, date, has pdf, publication type, famous authors, journal & conference), could be a super search tool ❤️
- CiteSpace, HistCite Pro (both are software) are used for analyze the citation network
- Library Genesis facilitate you to download every pdf book
- 大木虫学术导航 is a comprehensive nevigation for scholars, 有空多逛逛
- 虫部落 very good collection of search tools and methods
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- verypan 8.8 元会员检索网盘
Paper Download
- ACL Anthology ❤️
- 虫部落学术搜索板块
- Google Search with filetype:pdf
Note Taking
- Hexo-Next A self deployed blog for personal notes and blogs
- TiddlyWiki A personal knowledge system, also a unique non-linear notebook for capturing, organising and sharing complex information. They have a TiddlyWiki Forum for problem solving. There is the TyddlyWiki5 Github Repository and a Desktop Tool.
- Typora (software) The best markdown edit tool
- VScode (software) The best editor for code and for multiple use, many plugins
- Source Graph is a tool for searching code through all github repositories
- Paper with Code is a community where every work will be attached by their code link
- Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Lab, Pycharm (software) for python writing
Paper Writing
- Focus Music for writing
- Quite Place with coffee or tea
Writing Tool
- Overleaf with latex colaborate with others by using latex
English Writing
- enrich your lexical resource
- Academic Word List most frequent words used in academic paper
- Academic Phrasebank help you to polish your sentences so that equip your paper with coherence and logic.
- help you to chose right words for your expression.
- Grammarly check your spell errors and grammar errors.
- Ginger for checking grammer problem which is more professional than Grammarly and also cheaper. But can not check the duplication rate (which included in grammarly)
- DeepL for translation
- for color choosing
Latex Formula
- Snip for hand writing formula and table recognization. I would highly recommand for generating the latex code of complex table, which is quite convinient.
- is the best tool to draw a framework or procedure
- PlotNeuralNet or for plotting neural network
- Omnigraffle (software on MacOS or PadOS) a excellent tool for drawing
- TikZ supports latex for drawing
- Keynote or PPT (software) is also good
Journal or Conference
Publication Ranking
Journals - LetPub is also a good platform ranking Journal - SJR helps you to choose a suitable Journal in your area. Ranking Journal
Conference - CORE Computer Science Conference Rankings helps you to estimate the rank of conferences - Conference Ranks for conferences
Traking Deadlines
- AI Conference Deadlines informs and tracks the deadlines of all AI conferences
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