Learning Part
General Reading
- 机器之心专栏 各个组织的分享文章. SOTA models
- AI研习社
- Paperweekly 机器之心, Paperweekly Official Site
- Machine Deep Learning
- daiwk 深度学习集合 ❤️
- NLP-journey
- Aminer AI 报告,硕博论文 ❤️
- 预训练模型 Pre-trained Models for Natural Language Processing: A Survey.
- 上下文嵌入 A Survey on Contextual Embeddings.
- 文本分类 Deep Learning Based Text Classification: A Comprehensive Review.
- 命名实体识别 A Survey on Deep Learning for Named Entity Recognition.
- 对抗生成 A Review on Generative Adversarial Networks: Algorithms, Theory, and Applications.
- 关系抽取 More Data, More Relations, More Context and More Openness: A Review and Outlook for Relation Extraction.
- 知识图谱 A Survey on Knowledge Graphs: Representation, Acquisition and Applications.
Graph Neural Networks
- GNN note
- Knowledge Graph Embedding
- 从图到图卷积漫谈 GNN
- poows GNN 多个仓库收藏 ❤️, GNN 工具, 模型, 应用 ❤️
- awsome bert implements and paper ❤️
- awsome GCN implements and paper ❤️
- awesome-deep-gnn papers 📚
- ML survey 📚
- AI survey 📚
- 知识图谱 Documents 📚
- 《深入浅出图神经网络:GNN原理解析》配套代码 Pytorch ❤️
- GNN must read papers by 公孙茂团队 ❤️❤️❤️
- Kipf 对gcn的直觉 入门推荐 | Tony slids ❤️
- 唐杰老师图神经网络学习班 | 对应PPT
- GNN for NLP papers
Knowledge Graph
- 知识图谱必学课程 🎓 ❤️❤️❤️
- Stanford CS520: 2021 Knowledge Graphs 🎓 ❤️❤️
- introduce to KG by google ❤️
- 北京知识图谱学习小组 🎓 ❤️❤️
- awesome knowledge graph 整理知识图谱相关学习资料,提供系统化的知识图谱学习路径
- 刘焕勇 知识图谱相关项目参考, 中国科学院软件研究所 | personal blog | 知识图谱会议报告合集 ❤️❤️❤️
- 知识图谱最新进展论文 ❤️❤️❤️
- 知识图谱应用Github仓库(长期更新) ❤️
- Knowledge-Graph github 📚
- Awesome-Deeplearning-NLP-Papers 📚
- Knowledge Graphs papers 📚
- Knowledge Graph Embedding papers 📚
- KRL: knowledge representation learning & KE: knowledge embedding must read papers 📚
- Knowledge Graph Reasoning Papers 📚
- Knowledge Graph Tutorials and Papers & Data ❤️
- Awesome Knowledge Graph papers & Data ❤️ 吕海平 The University of Sheffield machine learning, brain imaging, and tensor analysis
- Ontology Learning as Machine Translation Expressive ontology learning as neural machine translation,2018 把OL当做MT来做 ❤️
- AI/RL Ontology 一个强化学习领域的Ontology by WebProtege
- KnOWLearn-Tool 一个ontology learning 工具,包含 term extraction, data from different domain AuthorSamuel Vieyra ❤️
- Programming Exercises for the Analysis of Knowledge Graphs allows interested students and researchers to perform hands-on analysis of knowledge graphs Smart Data Analytics Github from Smart Data Analytics of University of Bonn, German ❤️
- NLP-Knowledge-Graph 自然语言处理、知识图谱、对话系统三大技术研究与应用 📚
- TextGrapher - 输入一篇文档,形成对文章语义信息的图谱化展示
- 知识图谱 (Knowledge Graph) 专知 荟萃 ❤️❤️
Coding Part
- Pytorch Tricks
- GPT2 Pytorch
- NLP tutorial ❤️❤️❤️ by Tae-Hwan Jung Seoul, South Korea
- ALBERT-Pytorch
- Transformer-Pytorch
Knowledge Graph
- ldf.fi/service/rdf-grapher RDF 可视化(在线)
- https://jena.apache.org/ 构建语义网和关联数据(或称链接数据)的开源框架
- https://github.com/lambdamusic/Ontospy Python library and command-line interface for inspecting and visualizing RDF models.
- S-Match S-Match is a semantic matching framework.
- sematch semantic similarity framework for knowledge graph
- Knowledge-Graph-Analysis-Programming-Exercises
- https://github.com/chrisjmccormick/simsearch (最后更新 2016)
- https://gate.ac.uk/ GATE,开源的文本处理平台
- http://owlready.8326.n8.nabble.com/ Owlready2,基于Python 3、面向本体OWL的开源库
嵌入相关论文和代码 参考