Jason Hao's Blog


  • Graph Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing: A Survey, 2021

Term Weight

  • Measuring Fine-Grained Domain Relevance of Terms, ACL2021

Knowledge Graph

  • Robust Knowledge Graph Completion with Stacked Convolutions and a Student Re-Ranking Network

Information Extraction

  • OntoED: Low-resource Event Detection with Ontology Embedding, ACL2021
  • Position Bias Mitigation: A Knowledge-Aware Graph Model for Emotion Cause Extraction
  • PRGC: Potential Relation and Global Correspondence Based Joint Relational Triple Extraction
  • PairRE: Knowledge Graph Embeddings via Paired Relation Vectors
  • How Knowledge Graph and Attention Help? A Qualitative Analysis into Bag-level Relation Extraction, 2021ACL :smiley: ❤
  • Fine-grained Information Extraction from Biomedical Literature based on Knowledge-enriched Abstract Meaning Representation ❤
  • Dependency-driven Relation Extraction with Attentive Graph Convolutional Networks ❤
  • Word Sense Disambiguation: Towards Interactive Context Exploitation from Both Word and Sense Perspectives
  • PairRE: Knowledge Graph Embeddings via Paired Relation Vectors
  • Are Missing Links Predictable? An Inferential Benchmark for Knowledge Graph Completion

Text Generation

  • Data Augmentation for Text Generation Without Any Augmented Data, ACL2021
  • Capturing Relations between Scientific Papers: An Abstractive Model for Related Work Section Generation, 2021ACL
  • Employing Argumentation Knowledge Graphs for Neural Argument Generation
  • Metaphor Generation with Conceptual Mappings, 2021ACL
  • AugNLG: Few-shot Natural Language Generation using Self-trained Data Augmentation, 2021ACL

NLP Machine Learning

  • DeCLUTR: Deep Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Textual Representations
  • Dynamic Contextualized Word Embeddings
  • Unsupervised Out-of-Domain Detection via Pre-trained Transformers ❤
  • Tree-Structured Topic Modeling with Nonparametric Neural Variational Inference
  • Obtaining Better Static Word Embeddings Using Contextual Embedding Models
  • TAN-NTM: Topic Attention Networks for Neural Topic Modeling ❤
  • Learning Dense Representations of Phrases at Scale


  • Topic-Driven and Knowledge-Aware Transformer for Dialogue Emotion Detection


  • Multimodal Sentiment Detection Based on Multi-channel Graph Neural Networks


General Tools

  • NLTK - 自然语言工具包 :+1:

  • spacy - 使用 Python 和 Cython 的高性能的自然语言处理库 :+1:

  • gensim - 用于对纯文本进行无监督的语义建模的库,支持 word2vec 等算法 :+1:

  • StanfordNLP - 适用多语言的 NLP Library ,包含 Java 和 Python 语言 :+1:

  • OpenNLP - 基于机器学习的自然语言处理的工具包,使用 Java 语言开发 :+1:

  • TextBlob - 为专研常见的自然语言处理(NLP)任务提供一致的 API

  • Jieba 结巴分词 - 强大的Python 中文分词库 :+1:

  • HanLP - 面向生产环境的多语种自然语言处理工具包

  • SnowNLP - 中文自然语言处理 Python 包,没有用NLTK,所有的算法都是自己实现的

  • FudanNLP - 用于中文文本处理的 Java 函式库

  • THULAC - 包括中文分词、词性标注功能。

Term Extraction

  1. Bag of What Simple Noun Phrase Extraction for Text 2016. It is a pattern-based phrase extraction tool, written in Python and R.
  • Basic usage of phrasemachine

    pip install phrasemachine

    import phrasemachine
    text = "Barack Obama supports expanding social security."
    {'num_tokens': 7, 'counts': Counter({'barack obama': 1, 'social security': 1})}

  • It can support other higher accuracy spaCy tagger, or with Stanford CoreNLP.

  • The position of each token can be obtained.

Ontology Query Endpoints

  1. wikidata sparql 在线查询

  2. SparqlEndpoints 列表 (部分不能访问)

  3. 北大 gStore SPARQL Endpoint (dbpeida、freebase等)

  4. http://dbpedia.org/sparql

  5. Automated Phrase Mining from Massive Text Corpora 2017. This tool can be easily run by a .sh file, but needs g++, and Java as back tool.

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This blog is a water-tight version of Zhiyuanliu's tutorial on how to write a qualified NLP paper.

Process of Paper Publication

Usually, a classic process of paper publication is :

Proposal \(\longrightarrow\) Model Design \(\longrightarrow\) Coding \(\longleftrightarrow\) Parameter Tuning \(\longrightarrow\) Paper Writing \(\longleftrightarrow\) Paper Reediting \(\longrightarrow\) Paper Sumbmitting \(\longrightarrow\) Presentation

An excellet paper = An excellent work (step 1) + An excellent Writting (step 2)

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