GNN Note
Why need GNN
- utilize the structure and relationship of data (CNN cannot deal with non-Euclidean space)
- semi-supervised learning (partial labels)
Concept Formation
Definition of Ontology reference at ` - A Study Investigating Typical Concepts and Guidelines for Ontology Building, 2015 -
The domain knowledge in ontologies can be formalized using 5 components A translation approach to portable ontology specification
Classes: Set of classes (or concepts) that belong to the ontology. They may contain individuals (or instances), other classes, or a combination of both with their corresponding attributes.
Relations: These define interrelations between two or several classes (object properties) or a concept to a data type (data type properties).
Functions: This is a special case of relations.
Axioms: These are used to impose constraints on the values of classes or instances. Axioms represent expressions in ontology (logical statement) and are always true when used inside the ontology.
Instances: These represent the objects, elements or individuals of an ontology.
Based on [1], There is no unified definition of concept. A concept can be recognized as the relevant terms that shared the same meaning. Psychologically, it defnied as an idea shared in common in the minds of people who use these terms. It can also seen as a logical contruct, for example, a synset containing a set of words which can be exchanged for each other.